The Number 1 Thing New Makers Struggle With On Their First Project (And How To Get Past It)

When I decided I wanted to be a maker, I did my research, got some tools, and wrote down ideas, but didn’t actually make something for months.

The problem? I Was Scared To Actually Get Started!

When starting something new, it’s scary.

  • You don’t want to fail.

  • You don’t want to look like a fool.

  • And you don’t want it to be a waste of time.

So, how did I get off my butt and become a maker?

Tip 1: Pick An Easy Step To Start With

The number 1 thing you can do is make some, any amount of progress, no matter how small.

  • Don’t know what you want to make? Pick something easy.

  • Have an idea, but not the material? Take a trip to the hardware store (with some coffee).

  • Have your idea and the material? Make a list of everything you need to do for the project.

All of these are extremely easy to check off you mental list and get you moving in the right direction.

Tip 2: Make Some Progress Every Day

You’ve taken the first and hardest step, so we need to capitalize on that momentum.

Every day, make progress on your project no matter how small. It can be as simple as marking the holes you need to drill today, drilling them tomorrow, and driving the screws the day after. Don’t focus on everything you have left to do on the project, just worry about the very next step and getting 1 step closer every day.

Like the first step, what it is each day isn’t as important as continuing to take at least a single step every day.

Once you get the hard part of starting out of the way, the rest of the project is more manageable.

Your first project is intimidating, but don’t let fear keep you from starting. Make your first step easy, and keep putting 1 foot in front of the other every day. Momentum is generated with each step and you’ll want to keep going with it.

If you don’t believe me, re-read Tip 2.

Did you ask yourself why you’d mark the holes, drill, then drive screws on 3 different days instead of 1? The goal that day would just be to mark the locations, but once you have them marked, drilling is easy, then driving the screws is even easier. That’s momentum working for you!


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