Want To Improve Every Aspect Of Your Life? Start MAKING Things!

Making things has improved my relationship with my wife, my enjoyment of entertainment and travel, and even my full-time job.

When I first started making things, I had no idea the impact it would have on my life.

Initially, I saw making things just as another tool to solve problems. As I progressed, my mind shifted from looking for existing solutions to trying to figure out an ideal solution instead. It was subtle and took some time and many projects, but I started wanting to try making something before buying.

Making things changed how I think about problems, but not just my own personal ones.

How Making Things Changed How I Think

When you know that you can take an idea from your head and create it in reality, you start to see your world differently.

Here are just a few ways my thinking shifted as a Maker:

  • I stopped accepting partial solutions

  • My creativity (which I didn’t know I had) was unlocked

  • I started believing that everything can be improved

  • I began seeing complex problems as many groupings of easy problems

  • I noticed details in how cool thing are made (even in places like Disney World)

  • My appetite for knowledge grew

  • My curiosity exploded

I could keep going, but the shift in my thinking helped me grow as a maker and in pretty much every other aspect of my life.

Non-Maker Areas That Improved Thanks To Making Things

No one spends all day every day making things.

My non-maker list includes:

  • My wife

  • My 2 young kids (#girldad)

  • Our dog and 2 cats

  • A full-time job that can sometimes be demanding

  • Attempting to be healthier

  • Trying to keep track of what I want and need to do for everything above

  • Traveling (mainly to Disney when we can)

  • Spending time with friends

  • Reading

  • Watching Movies and streaming shows we like

What’s amazing is the mind shift from making things has positively impacted every area of my life above.

  • My wife and I think about things we can do ourselves instead of just buying things.

  • My oldest daughter asks for ways that something can be improved by adding something (and my youngest is getting there too).

  • Our pets have areas for them customized to how they like it.

  • My full-time job has seen the benefit of breaking down complex problems into manageable bits that can be addressed more effectively.

  • When I notice I am not as healthy as I want to be, I look for the root cause to address, not just the impacts.

  • Instead of keeping everything in my head, I worked to create a second brain in Notion.

  • I enjoy traveling more to see and experience new textures and details I haven’t noticed yet.

  • I pay attention more when talking to friends, which I struggled with in the past.

  • I love hearing new-to-me ideas whether from fiction or non-fiction.

  • I notice how props, sets, and colors play more of a role in entertainment so I can try to emulate it.

Making Things Has Improved Every Aspect Of My Life

I cannot recommend starting to make things more highly and everyone should give it a try.

You don’t need a dedicated workshop or 100 tools to get into it. Just a couple of tools and a problem you really want to solve will do the trick.


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